Safety is our number one value. Our goal remains to become a Zero zero-harm culture/community and to have all our colleagues – THINKING SAFE, WORKING SAFE AND GOING HOME SAFE (AND RETURNING SAFE) EVERY DAY.

We have embarked upon a journey using two key programs – Life Saving Rules/MY ZERO (Risk) and ‘Hearts and Minds’ (Culture). Within these programs we have a number of tools that we have reviewed and improved what we have deployed and used and will consider any learned improvements when rolling out future tools.

To enable us to provide a safer place of work, we will focus on driving risk down  from where we are at the moment which is managed and standardised to a position of excellence, where we are constantly curious and proactive when interacting with our day to day risk. We will also be focusing on maturing our safety culture. In previous years we have carried  out surveys and activities to understand where we are on the cultural ladder and we will continue to use these surveys as  the backbone of our cultural journey objectives.


Health and safety remains our top priority and is therefore one of the first agenda items in meetings of senior management including the Executive Management Team and Board. The Board’s Health and Safety Committee reviews and monitors safety performance overall and in each of the regions. All sites have monthly safety training in place covering annual mandatory training and topics relevant to our drive to create ZERO ACCIDENT COMMUNITIES.